AI: A New Teammate for College Counselors

I was smitten with a recent article in HBR entitled "What Roles Could Generative AI Play on Your Team?" The authors, Misiek Piskorski and Amit Joshi, explain the potential applications of AI technologies in the workplace by articulating five hypothetical roles that AI (like ChatGPT) could play: CoachGPT, GroupGPT, BossGPT, AutoGPT, and ImperialGPT. The article suggests a great structure for thinking about the ways in which high school college counselors might implement ChatGPT (or other AI) into their workflows. As such, in the context of a high school college counseling office, these AI roles could revolutionize the way counselors think about the ways in which they could adapt AI into their work. 

CoachGPT: The Personal Assistant

As a personal assistant, CoachGPT could help counselors stay organized and informed. For example, it could remind the counselor of upcoming student meetings, ensuring that no student is overlooked during the busy college application season. Additionally, CoachGPT could keep track of application deadlines for various colleges, providing timely alerts to both counselors and students. It could also serve as a quick reference tool, providing information about different colleges, their admission requirements, and scholarship opportunities at the counselor's fingertips. This would save counselors the time and effort of manually searching for this information, allowing them to focus more on guiding their students. Detail-orientation at its finest.

GroupGPT: The Collaborative Facilitator

GroupGPT could be an invaluable tool for facilitating group discussions or brainstorming sessions. When planning college fairs or information sessions, GroupGPT could help generate ideas, provide feedback, and even draft communications to participants. For instance, if a counselor is planning a virtual college fair, GroupGPT could suggest a list of colleges to invite based on the interests of the student body. It could also help draft emails to college representatives, saving the counselor valuable time. Furthermore, GroupGPT could be used in staff meetings to generate ideas for improving counseling strategies or addressing common issues faced by students. Teamwork at its finest.

BossGPT: The Workflow Manager

BossGPT could help counselors delegate tasks and manage workflows. For example, during the busy college application season, it could help the counselor assign tasks to teammates, student volunteers, or other staff members like teachers, track progress, and ensure everything is completed on time. If a counselor needs to distribute information about a new scholarship opportunity, BossGPT could assign the task to a staff member, set a deadline, and send reminders as the deadline approaches. This would ensure that important tasks are not forgotten in the hustle and bustle of the counseling office. Delegation at its finest.

AutoGPT: The Automation Expert

AutoGPT could be used to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up more time for counselors to focus on their students. For instance, it could help in sending out routine communications to students and parents, such as reminders about upcoming deadlines or updates on college visits. AutoGPT could also be used to update databases with new college information or generate reports on student progress. For example, it could automatically update a spreadsheet with acceptance rates for different colleges each year, providing counselors with up-to-date information to guide their students. Efficiency at its finest.

ImperialGPT: The Data Analyst

Finally, ImperialGPT could be used to make data-driven decisions. It could analyze student data to identify trends and patterns, helping counselors understand what factors contribute most to college acceptance. For instance, it could analyze the GPAs, test scores, and extracurricular activities of students who were accepted into top colleges and use this information to guide future students. ImperialGPT could also help counselors identify at-risk students by analyzing factors such as grades,attendance, and course load, allowing them to intervene early and provide the necessary support. Data at its finest.

In conclusion, the integration of AI technologies like CoachGPT, GroupGPT, BossGPT, AutoGPT, and ImperialGPT could significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of high school college counseling. And, while many of these ideas seem far-fetched, the prospects of AI – not the least of which is ChatGPT – reveal that these opportunities are already here. By eliminating the need for college counselors to focus on these time-consuming tasks, these AI tools could allow counselors to focus more on what they do best: guiding students towards their future. I continue to beg the question: what will you do with the recouped time AI is giving you? As we continue to explore and understand the potential of AI, it's clear that its role in education and counseling is just beginning to be realized.