2023-24 Wishlist

As we close another academic year, I like to reflect on the recently concluded year. It is a time to look back at the achievements and challenges of the past cycle, but it is also an opportunity to look forward to the next cycle and all that it will bring. As such, here I hope to pause and articulate my hopes and goals for the coming year. This wish list reflects my aspirations not just for myself as a counselor, but for my students, our educational system, and society at large.

  1. Embrace AI in Education: As AI is reshaping every industry and field of human activity, it is my wish to see its meaningful integration into our school systems. Too many individuals are assuming the role of the “ostrich” and are burying their heads in the sand either by prohibiting its use or merely by not teaching it. From virtual assistants managing time to personalized learning experiences, the potential of AI in education is immense. Further, it can provide a more tailored learning experience for each student, adapting to individual learning styles and pace. As such, it is my hope that educators can learn to embrace this movement so as to assist our students with the world that lies before them. 

  2. Broaden Focus Beyond College: Not every student's path leads to traditional college courses. And not every job or industry requires a traditional degree or education. It is my hope that we all will allocate more resources to vocational and technical courses, preparing students for a diverse range of career paths and bridging the skills gap. By doing so, we can better equip our students for the realities of the modern workforce, ensuring that they are prepared for the demands of the new labor market.

  3. Emphasize Soft Skills Development: As the nature of work evolves, it is my wish to see a growing emphasis on teaching soft skills. These human skills, which include communication, teamwork, creative thinking, and the like, are increasingly valued by employers but often overlooked in traditional education. We might add items such as AI prompting, sex education, study skills, and stress management to this group, skills that are often not explicitly taught to students. By integrating these skills into our curriculum, we can ensure that our students are not only academically prepared but also personally equipped to navigate and succeed in diverse professional environments. 

  4. Increase Mental Health Awareness and Support: Mental health is a crucial aspect of student welfare that often gets sidelined. I wish for a more robust mental health support system in our schools to ensure that every student has access to the help they need. As we face ongoing global challenges and rapid societal changes, especially as we continue to learn of the lasting impact of COVID on our students, having a strong support system is more important than ever to help our students navigate through these times.

  5. Inspire Social Responsibility: In a rapidly changing world, it is crucial to foster in our students a holistic understanding of their context, encompassing both environmental consciousness and an awareness of the diverse human experiences that shape our world. In this vein, my wish is to see a deeper commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) in our schools’ curricula and cultures. By doing so, we can prepare our students to contribute positively to a globally interconnected and diverse society, and to approach the world with empathy, understanding, and a sense of responsibility for both our environment and our shared human community.

As we step into the future, it is important to remember that these wishes are not just for me, but for all of us involved in the complex and rewarding process of education. In light of this, I'd like to invite you to take a moment for your own reflection. What would you add to this wishlist? What are your hopes for our students, for our schools, and for the broader realm of education? How do your hopes align with the evolving trends and realities of our world? As you ponder these questions, I hope that you, too, will find clarity and inspiration for the coming academic year.