September Checklist & Cheatsheet

Here are the September Checklist and Cheatsheet! The checklist is a monthly resource collecting all of the typical duties and tasks for a college counselor for the month. See the PDF for September here, or read below. Then, the intention of the College Counseling Cheatsheet is to provide a 30-minute (or less) activity each weekday that college counselors can do to improve their counseling practice. Furthermore, the monthly calendar is designed to be uploaded as a CSV file into your Google (or other) calendar so you can get reminders and even move the event to whenever you want within your busy schedule. (Download the Cheatsheet, open your Google Calendar, open Settings, and follow the instructions in the Import/Export tab on the left-hand navigation menu!) Here is the link to the September Cheatsheet.

Take a look, and give me some feedback! Did I miss anything? Do you have any good ideas to share? Any thoughts? Please add them in the comments or email me!

September Checklist
"Back to School: Backpacks, Books, and Big Goals"

This month, the college counseling office focuses on laying a solid foundation for the year. Counselors work with students to establish academic and extracurricular plans, provide guidance on course selection, and introduce college planning resources. Students are encouraged to approach the school year with a sense of purpose, ambition, and determination, striving to make the most of their high school experience.

  1. Host college planning workshops: Organize and promote workshops for students and parents, covering topics such as college selection, applications, essays, financial aid, and scholarships.

  2. Assist seniors with college applications: Continue to work with grade 12 students on their college applications, ensuring they meet deadlines and submit high-quality materials.

  3. Monitor standardized test registration: Remind students of upcoming SAT/ACT test dates and registration deadlines, and provide assistance with the registration process as needed.

  4. Support student-athletes with recruitment: Guide student-athletes through the NCAA eligibility and college recruitment process, connecting them with resources and contacts.

  5. Facilitate college visits: Coordinate visits from college representatives, and encourage students to attend information sessions and ask questions.

  6. Encourage extracurricular involvement: Help students explore clubs, sports, and volunteer opportunities that align with their interests and passions.

  7. Check in with freshmen: Meet with grade 9 students to discuss their transition to high school and introduce the college planning process.

  8. Review PSAT registration: Ensure grade 10 and 11 students are registered for the PSAT and provide information on test preparation resources.

  9. Distribute scholarship information: Share updated scholarship opportunities with students and families, and assist with application materials.

  10. Track college application progress: Monitor grade 12 students' progress on their college applications, offering support and resources to help them stay organized and on track.

  11. Update your blog: Share tips, resources, and insights on college planning and application process with your readers to keep them engaged and informed.

  12. Connect with other college counselors: Maintain relationships with your network of college counselors to share best practices and collaborate on new ideas.

  13. Plan financial aid workshops: Organize events to inform students and parents about the FAFSA, CSS Profile, and other financial aid resources.

  14. Assist with college essay revisions: Offer feedback and guidance to seniors as they revise their personal statements and supplemental essays.

  15. Collaborate with teachers for recommendation letters: Ensure that students have requested letters of recommendation from teachers and provide guidance on how to make a polite and timely request.

  16. Check in with sophomores and juniors: Meet with grade 10 and 11 students to discuss their college planning progress, course selection, and extracurricular activities.

  17. Reach out to alumni: Continue connecting with recent graduates to gather feedback on their college experiences and gain insights for future counseling efforts.

  18. Research college trends: Stay informed on changes in college admissions, financial aid policies, and academic offerings by reading industry publications and attending webinars.

  19. Review and update counseling resources: Assess the effectiveness of your handouts, presentations, and other materials, and make updates as needed.

  20. Coordinate with school staff: Collaborate with teachers, administrators, and other staff members to discuss upcoming events, changes in school policy, and strategies for student success.

  21. Encourage students to attend college fairs: Promote local and regional college fairs, and provide guidance on how to make the most of these events.

  22. Support students with college interviews: Offer tips and resources for students preparing for college interviews, and conduct mock interviews to help them practice.

  23. Monitor early application deadlines: Remind grade 12 students of early action and early decision deadlines, and provide support as needed.

  24. Assist with financial aid applications: Help students and families complete the FAFSA, CSS Profile, and any other necessary financial aid forms.

  25. Reflect on professional development: Evaluate your ongoing professional development activities and consider how they can inform your counseling practice.

Again, if you have any ideas or thoughts, please put them in the comments below or email me!